
Texas Tech Law School Foundation Scholarship Application Closes Tomorrow

Dear 1st and 2nd-Year Law Students,

 The application for scholarships awarded through the Texas Tech Law School Foundation closes on Feb. 1, 2025.  Completing this application will allow you to be considered for all Foundation scholarships for which you are eligible. Available scholarships have many different criteria, including graduation from certain undergraduate schools, being married, interest in energy/oil & gas law, advocacy participation, and overcoming adversity or disability. The complete list of scholarships for advanced students may be found at


The direct application url is


The deadline for submission is Saturday, February 1, 2025.


Students interested in trial work and criminal defense in particular should take note of the four scholarships below which require an additional essay to be considered!


BRENDAN MURRAY CRIMINAL DEFENSE SCHOLARSHIP: Funded for students interested in criminal defense. Submit an essay of no more than 500 words on the importance of defending the citizen accused.


BOBBIE LOU MAE WHITE SCHOLARSHIP: Funded for students interested in criminal prosecution. Applicants must write a statement of 250 words that includes career intent, personal growth during law school, internship experience and volunteer work. A letter of recommendation is required from a federal, state, county, district or city attorney with whom they have interned or volunteered. This recommendation letter may be mailed under separate cover to Ms. Lisa Green, Texas Tech University School of Law, 3311 18th St., Lubbock, TX 79409.


 TIM COLE SCHOLARSHIP: Funded to (1) honor the memory of Timothy Cole, a wrongfully convicted man who died while in prison, and (2) further the work of the Innocence Project. To apply for this scholarship submit a 250-word essay describing your interest in criminal justice.


JOHN F. “BUDDY” MANER WEST TEXAS LEGAL LEGEND SCHOLARSHIP: Funded for students (1) interested in providing legal services where they are needed, particularly for clients of low and modest means, and (2) who value the importance of our jury system. Submit a one-page essay stating your interest.


The scholarship committee will make award decisions by August 1.  If you have questions about the application or the process, contact or Lisa Green ( ).


Lisa Green


School of Law
