
Bidding is Now Open for Session III of Spring OCI
Bidding for Spring On-Campus Interviews (OCI) Session III is open and runs through midnight on Sunday, February 14. Session III interviews will be conducted February 29 – March 11.

Logon to Symplicity to review the opportunities that are applicable to your graduation year, preferred geographic locations or practice areas. Please have ready your professional legal resume, cover letter, current academic transcript, writing sample, and list of references. You may contact Paula Smith for assistance with your materials. Guidance handouts are also available on the Career Services page of the Texas Tech Law website and on the Resources tab in Symplicity.

To apply:
1. Login to Texas Tech Law School Symplicity:
2. Click on the [OCI] tab on the top navigation bar.
3. Filter the session list by selecting [Spring OCI 2016 Session III: February 29 – March 11, 2016] from the [Session] drop-down menu.
a. The resulting list of employers contains only those that have requested your class year.
4. Click “Review” for each employer. You will be redirected to a page that explains information about the position and what materials you will need to prepare for your application.
5. Under “Bid Details” on the right-hand side of the webpage, select the documents you wish to include in your application.
a. You must have already uploaded these documents under the “My Documents” tab on the top navigation bar.
b. Each cover letter should be customized and addressed to specific employers. When you place your bid for employers you will then select which cover letter you want that employer to receive. A Maximum of 25 cover letters at one time can be saved on Symplicity. You may delete each cover letter after each application.
6. Click “Apply.”

Jennifer Payne


School of Law
