
Semester Abroad While Paying TTU Tuition: Presentation & Panel Discussion

Dean Jorge Ramírez will discuss issues of importance for those of you considering a semester abroad opportunity with one of our five exchange partners in Australia, Denmark, France, Germany and Lithuania. These exchange agreements allow you to study for a semester in any one of these countries while paying the Texas Tech tuition. Students from these countries have a reciprocal opportunity to study with us for a semester. After a brief presentation about the programs, Dean Ramírez will moderate a brief panel discussion with some of our visiting exchange students from Denmark, Germany and Australia, as well as with TTU Law students who have studied in Lyon, France.

If you have any interest in studying abroad for a semester, come join us and learn about these programs and how you can start making preparations to attend. Tuesday, Oct. 28, 2014, at NOON in Room 105. Lunch will be provided.


Tracy Coffman


School of Law
